Sunday, November 4, 2012

Flipping Tip: Practice Skeptical Science

"I want our president to place scientific evidence and risk management above electoral politics." - Michael Bloomberg

Skeptical Science Home Screen

You can read Michael Bloomberg's endorsement of President Obama for re-election in the online version of the Bloomberg View (11/1/2012). New York City's Mayor is a serious person with real responsbilities. He doesn't have the time to court fools for votes. That's why he siding with science as we all should.

We should all be students of science and act upon what we learn but we should help others understand too.

Climate Science is one of the most misunderstood areas of scientific knowledge due to the outrageous acts of fanatics and spineless politicians who strive to compound the confusion. What's a reasonable person to do?

Learn and share!

Fortunately, I discovered this wonderful app we can use to inform ourselves, friends, and neighbors. It's Skeptical Science!


"The goal of Skeptical Science is to explain what peer reviewed science has to say about global warming. When you peruse the many arguments of global warming skeptics, a pattern emerges. Skeptic arguments tend to focus on narrow pieces of the puzzle while neglecting the broader picture. For example, focus on Climategate emails neglects the full weight of scientific evidence for man-made global warming. Concentrating on a few growing glaciers ignores the world wide trend of accelerating glacier shrinkage. Claims of global cooling fail to realise the planet as a whole is still accumulating heat. This website presents the broader picture by explaining the peer reviewed scientific literature.

Often, the reason for disbelieving in man-made global warming seem to be political rather than scientific. Eg - "it's all a liberal plot to spread socialism and destroy capitalism". As one person put it, "the cheerleaders for doing something about global warming seem to be largely the cheerleaders for many causes of which I disapprove". However, what is causing global warming is a purely scientific question. Skeptical Science removes the politics from the debate by concentrating solely on the science."

This is a handy app to keep with you to. You can study it's information whenever you find yourself in a wait queue and refer to it in social settings. Your friends will think you are a real nerd!

You'll find it at the Apple App Store and it is FREE! Its compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPod and requires iOS 3.0 or later and 8.7 MB of storage space. This app enjoys a 4+ user rating.

Sent from my iPhone

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