Sunday, November 11, 2012

Learn the Origins of Wreck-it Ralph’s Hardcore Game, Hero’s Duty – iPad App Review

O.K., so maybe Disney is going just a little bit overboard with licensing of toys, games and apps based on Wreck-it Ralph. Maybe you're getting sick of the hubbub and you don't want to see one more bit of flotsam about Disney's newest animated movie. Well, you'll be happy to know that Hero's Duty doesn't give a single hint that it is remotely related to the video game hero of another world.

This comic is based on an origin story of the hardcore video game from Wreck-it Ralph. The characters are in the middle of a battle with mechanical bugs that can't be stopped.

I have to admit, I didn't see Wreck-it Ralph and, other than a vague summary from a friend, I know almost nothing about the movie. The great thing about this interactive comic is that it doesn't have any connection to the movie, other than the existence of the name. You don't have to know about Tammy and Kohut in order to enjoy the story that unfolds in these digital pages.

As a story, this is really good. I could see myself reading a series of these comics starring Dr. Scott and Sgt. Calhoun and their adventures saving humanity from cy-bugs. It is well written and the art looks great.

As a digital comic, this is a great app. It is not just a PDF of a book. The panels move onto screen as you are reading. All you have to do is tap the screen and the next panel will appear. There are no mini games or specially animated bugs that will screech when you tap, but the comic looks fantastic. As an avid comic book collector, I love the way the panels are laid out on each page. The book is 22 pages, which is the exact number of a traditional comic book. Plus, there are no ads.

Fans of Wreck-it Ralph will like being able to learn more about the world of different video games that shows up in the movie. However, young ones may not understand the connection and therefore may not be particularly interested in this app. There is no "read to me" feature so early readers will have a hard time getting through it.

Fans of comics will really enjoy the adventure that unfolds in the digital pages of this book. It has a solid story with well-written dialog and a happy ending.

What I liked: As a comic book reader, I liked the story. I loved the way the panels laid out on the page. It really looks like a traditional comic book, just with an interactive interface.

What I didn't like: You can't just skip a whole page. If you've already read one page, you can't skip to the next. You have to swipe, panel-by-panel, until the whole thing appears and you can go on to the next page. You can select a specific page from the menu screen, so it isn't a big deal.

To buy or not to buy: Fans of Wreck-it Ralph will appreciate the reference. Fans of comics will enjoy the story. It is reasonably priced, and even a little bit cheap considering comic books are normally $2.99 or more.

  • Name: Hero's Duty Interactive Comic
  • Version Reviewed: 1.0
  • Category: Books
  • Developer: Disney
  • Price: $1.99
  • Score:

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