Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Google's Search Results Page Looks Different Now

Google search results are like the old beat up recliner of the internet. Your butt's always there, and if anything changes, you notice. Well, Google changed the way its search results look. It's a relatively small change, but you're going to notice.

The biggest difference is that the bar along the left hand side of your searches is gone. This is where you used to break your search down into News, or whatever else. That function is now at the top of your results, along with the also relocated Search Tools. Search Tools moving means you don't have those two butt ugly calendars with custom dates in your line of sight, which is a plus. This change has been live a day or two, and should only be a negative if you're running a ton of searches (it's been killing me).

Google is also featuring information from Google's Knowledge Graph for popular searches, like "barack obama", "mitt romney", and "presidential election", for example. So! Google's a little prettier, and it's rearranged the furniture a bit. Seems like a nice, small change, right? [BuzzFeed]

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