Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Relaxed will automatically respond to Twitter and Facebook messages on your behalf this Christmas

Autorelaxed 520x245 Relaxed will automatically respond to Twitter and Facebook messages on your behalf this Christmas

For some people, social media is baked into their lives - not a minute or a meal can pass without it being shared with the world. Those people won't want to use Relaxed, a tool that will respond to Facebook mentions and Tweets directed at you on your behalf.

There's not the most advanced set of responses to choose from (although you can of course set your own) and it will always include the URL at the end, but if you're the kind of person that likes to take a step back from social media over the holidays, it's a simple tool for setting something akin to an out of office email responder.

autorelaxed message 730x304 Relaxed will automatically respond to Twitter and Facebook messages on your behalf this Christmas

To use it, you just connect your chosen account(s) to the service, set a message and a date the auto-responder should start and stop. Once that's done, you're all set. It should be noted that while it will happily send your response to private (as well as public) messages on Facebook, it can't respond to Direct Messages on Twitter.

Whether or not it somewhat defeats the purpose of social media, by removing the social aspect, is up to you to decide.


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